In no particular order:
- Ditching a whole school day when she was late to log in and too embarrassed to actually join the classroom Zoom meeting. (My 11 yo.) I hadn't noticed because I was downstairs, working, and she was upstairs in her room. She didn't tell me--until her teacher made her the next day. We then went to office hours and her teacher and I explained that all she had to do was tell her teacher she was late--nothing to be embarrassed about.
- Ditching PE and getting caught because she lost track of time playing a video game. (Also my 11 yo.) She ended up with two extra hours of PE "homework."
- No being able to find a notebook because it was in the second bag of school supplies we picked up at school on Oct. 1, which was left downstairs in the living room. (Still my 11 yo.)
- Staring a new school online and not being able to make friends. (My 14 yo.)
- Forgetting a chemistry assignment and seeing their grade drop to a B. (Also my 14 yo.) She did the assignment, late, emailed it to her teacher and was able to get credit and bring her grade back up an an A.
On the one hand, I miss regular school.
On the other, studies are showing that older kids are more at risk of showing symptoms and transmitting COVID-19, particularly kids over 12:
So going back in person is still not safe for our family. And that's a thing I would cry about, if I let myself.